About College

M.A. Rangoonwala college of Dental Sciences & Research Centre, Pune provides an enriched learning environment that has helped countless students get ahead. Founded in 2000, our Dental School is located in Pune and reflects the diverse backgrounds and cultures of the area. We are extremely proud of our students and staff, who are always eager to learn, create and grow together. Give us a call to find out more about how we can help you prepare for the future.
Programs on offer
Every year, Dental College trains about 100 students for BDS and 48 students for MDS programs in 8 Dental specialties, Certification course in Maxillofacial Prosthodontics in Collaboration with IMPT, UK. Diploma in Dental Laser in coordination with SOLA. (Society of Laser Application) and Faculty from University of Vienna, Austria. Recognised IGNOU centre for Diploma in Endodontics. Student Exchange programme for our students with Kings College, London.