Vice-Principal: – M. A. Rangoowala College of Dental Sciences & Research Centre, Pune
From the Vice Principal's Desk
We, at M. A. Rangoonwala College of Dental Sciences & Research Centre, pride ourselves with providing a holistic education to all, impartially, in a happy learning environment.
The students are provided the best training by highly qualified and capable faculty in a state-of the art set-up, using the latest equipment. They are enabled to recognize & achieve their maximum potential to develop strong self-esteem and become life-long learners, critical thinkers & productive members of our global community. This is reflected in the academic achievements & various recognitions & awards earned by our students in the university exams, competitions and conferences. Our prowess & interest in research is reflected in the number of scientific publications & patents by our students and faculty.
Keeping true to our vision & mission, shared by our inspiring President Hon’ble Dr. P.A. Inamdar (Chancellor Dr. P.A Inamdar University & President M.C.E Society) & Mrs. Abeda P. Inamdar (Vice-President M.C.E Society) , the best dental care is provided to patients from all walks of life & across all the strata of society . Our college is also well known for its community outreach programs, taking special care to cater to the under privileged, the elderly and the destitute.
“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today” -Malcolm X“
In addition,our campus houses a national-level sports ground and sports complex and various sports facilities and has many opportunities for the students to take part in extra curricular activities. This helps and encourages students to explore their potential to the maximum & grow. The various awards won by our students in these activities reflect their effectiveness.
I feel very fortunate to be a part of this team of dedicated, committed, highly qualified & renowned faculty, headed by our most beloved Principal, Dr. Ramandeep Dugal; and our capable students .
To end, I would like to say that we at M.A Rangoonwala College of Dental Sciences & Research Centre, not only provide opportunities, but also help develop the vision to see it.